
DAB – Diversitygerechtes Ausgehen in Berlin


The project Diversitygerechtes Ausgehen in Berlin (literal translation: Diverse friendly clubbing/ Nights Out in Berlin ) advocates for respectful and inclusive atmospheres in Berlin’s event venues. The aim is to reduce discrimination and support individuals and groups affected by it.

The project is working on the following aims and measures:

  • Development of a training programme on the topic of “Awareness & Diversity Competence in Club Culture” to qualify employees of different trades in clubs.
  • Development of an exemplary complaint management system in cases of discrimination
  • Exemplary implementation of the concept at two Berlin pilot venues
  • Empowerment measures for groups affected by discrimination
  • Development of information materials
  • Legal expertise on the topic of “going out with an attributed disability”.

The project is aimed at people who are affected by discrimination in nightlife due to their actual or ascribed attribution to a particular group and at all people involved in the curation of event venues.

The project “Diversitygerechtes Ausgehen in Berlin – DAB” is a cooperation project of Eine Welt der Vielfalt e.V. and Clubcommission e.V. and is funded by the Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination and the Berlin State Office for Equal Treatment and Against Discrimination.


Melissa Kolukisagil



030 312 10 80