Awareness & Diversity Minimum Standards and Values for Club CultureWe are now in the third year of the Awareness Akademie – one of the goals we started with was to work with you towards common values and achievable guidelines regarding anti-discrimination, awareness work and the promotion of diversity and equality in Berlin club culture.
Despite the pandemic and the associated state of emergency for society and especially our scene, the Awareness Akademie has been able to find itself, has worked a lot, advised and created offers for dialogue, networking and further education, which are now being accepted with trust and great interest and commitment. Along the way, we repeatedly come to the point in discussions that an awareness and diversity code of values can be an essential and helpful instrument for sustainable positive changes in Berlin’s club culture.
Accordingly, this year we would like to take a closer look at the development of such values and standards together with you. This roundtable should be the first impulse for this process. For this reason, we will refrain from the usual frontal inputs this time and spend the three hours together with you in the form of workshops and discussions. We very much hope that you will participate in large numbers.
31.05.2022, 18:00-21:00 pm
Location: Fitzroy, S-Bahn Bogen 46, Holzmarktstraße 15, 10179 Berlin
Registration via: awareness@clubcommission.de
18:00 – 18:20: Welcome and report of the last months and current activities of the AK Awareness & Diversity of the Clubcommission/ Awareness Academy.
18:20 – 18:40 Impulse: Values – what are we actually talking about?
18:50 – 19:30 Workshop Phase I: Values
19:40 – 20:30 Workshop Phase II: Strategies & Minimum Standards
20:30 – 21:00 Presentation & joint discussion of the results
21:00 – 21:05 Conclusion & Outlook
All actors in the field of awareness, anti-discrimination and club culture in Berlin are invited – club operators and staff, collectives, festivals, initiatives, organisers, bookers, researchers, consultants, interested parties and more. Welcome are those who are already actively working on the topics of awareness and diversity in club culture as well as those who are just starting out. The aim is to exchange ideas on achievable guidelines and values regarding Awareness & Diversity in club culture.
The roundtable will be held in German and English.