Sarj Lynch is a Berlin-based facilitator, learning designer and community care organizer with a lot of curiosity. They are interested in dreaming new realities and practicing utopias with people who care. They are a cofounder of aequa (2018), the aequa Workshops Collective (2020), and Berlin Collective Action e.V. (2020). They are also a resident of Refuge Worldwide, hosting the monthly aequa Radio show. Growing more capable and more alive in community is their passion, especially when working with comrades on initiatives focused on mutual aid and peer support, queer liberation, as well as border abolition and migrant rights.

March 12, 3 – 5.30pm

Online, via Zoom


An offer of the Awareness Akdemie of the Club Culture Hub of Clubcommission Berlin e.V., funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, Musicboard Berlin GmbH and the European Regional Development Fund – EFRE „Stärkung des Innovationspotentials in der Kultur -INP-III““.